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[안내] 적정기술학회 "ICEAS 2022 - 2nd call for paper"

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안녕하십니까, 국경없는과학기술자회입니다.


적정기술학회에서는 오는 8월 3일(수)~5일(금), ICEAS(International Conference on Energy, Aquatech and Sustainability) 2022을 개최합니다.

본 학술행사의 초록 제출 마감일이 6월 21일(화)까지 연장되었음을 안내드립니다.


- 초록 제출 마감일: 2022년 6월 21일(화)

- 초록제출분야 및 템플릿ICEAS 2022 (appropriate.or.kr)

- 초록제출 페이지 ICEAS 2022 Abstract Submission (google.com)

회원님들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.



국경없는과학기술자회 드림.



- 아     래 - 





On behalf of all the committee members of ICEAS 2022, it is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to the conference. Since its initiation in 2017, ICEAS has been international forum to discuss various topics related to appropriate technology, and we are proud to celebrate the 5th event this year. This time, we broaden conference topics from appropriate technology, renewable energy, aquatechand sustainable development to various appropriate ICT technologies such as smart city / factory / grid / farm / building /village / monitoring / irrigation / mobility, etc.

This conference will provide a forum to present state-of-the-art technologies in related fields and application cases to cope with global issues including climate change, COVID-19, circular economy, ODA, ESG, etc.

We aim to provide opportunities for researchers to exchange knowledge as well as to promote the international and multi-disciplinary collaborations.

We hope that you join us and have a wonderful fellowship time among professional peers. We are all looking forward to seeing you at physical and virtual conference sites.

Best wishes,

Conference Chair

Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn, Seoul National University, Korea

Organizing Committee Chairs

Prof. Ki-Bok Min, Seoul National University, Korea 

Prof. Caroline Sunyong Lee, Hanyang University, Korea






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