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[안내] 숲과나눔 국제풀씨 4기 모집 안내 (~3월 19일)

첨부파일 다운로드:



숲과나눔 해외사업으로 국제 시민아이디어 지원 사업인 국제풀씨 4기 모집 안내드립니다. 

국제풀씨 사업은 OECD DAC(개발원조위원회 수원국) 내 환경, 안전, 보건 분야의 인재를 육성하고, 지원대상 국가 내 풀뿌리 NGO와 시민들의 커뮤니티 활동을 지원하고자 시작되었는데요. 

선발된 팀은 관심 문제에 대한 아이디어를 6개월 간 실행해보며 최대 $3,000를 지원해드리는 프로그램입니다. 

관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.

국제풀씨 4기 홈페이지 (bit.ly/GSG2023_notice)


국경없는과학기술자회 사무국 올림




KOREA SHE is looking for YOU : 2023 Global Seed Grant


Korea Safety Health Environment(SHE) Foundation is looking for teams to participate in its 2023 Global Seed Grant. Global Seed Grant supports projects by grassroots NGOs and local groups that are engaged in community activism to tackle issues related to Safety, Health and Environment.


As small seeds enter the soil and blossom into life, Global Seed Grant is seeking for innovative ideas and projects that will blossom into action that will make an impact in our safety, health, and environment. Let us help grow your seed of ideas into a forest of action and change.



Eligibility : Registered grassroots groups or groups consisted of 5 or more people

Funding : Up to USD $3,000, to a maximum of 20 projects

- Application period : 28 Feb - 19 Mar. 2023

- Apply : Download the application (http://bit.ly/GSG23_application) and Submit via google form (https://bit.ly/GSGapply_2023)



Here are the most frequently asked questions and the answers about the grant. If you master these, you are totally ready to apply!








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(사)국경없는과학기술자회 / 04107 서울시 마포구 백범로 35 (신수동) 서강대학교 리치별관 307호

Tel : 02-887-2278 /Email: sewb@sewb.org

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